Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)

At the end of the 2022/2023 school year, we voted to disband the Parent-Teacher-Student- Association and move forward with establishing a PTO. Many things are still in process.

This page will continually update, as we work through the process of transitioning from a PTSA to a PTO. Thank you for your patience.


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Facebook: Heritage_Hawks_PTO

Instagram: @heritage_hawks_pto

Twitter: @HawkParents


PTO Meetings

  • Information on PTO meetings is coming soon.

The Executive Board

April Apodaca


Brandi Stevens

Vice President

Tracee Stewart


Mary Torres


Ta Lese Morrow

Grant Leader

Mayra Orozco


Sub Committees

Judy Hudson

Membership Leader

Irma Rios

Spanish Membership Leader

Shelly Barrick

Vendor Coordinator


Volunteer Coordinator

Mayra Orozco

Decor Committee

Mary Torres

Band Committee

Crystal Perez

Event Coordinator


Bite Nite Leader


Our PTO is valuable and we appreciate all that they do for Heritage. Much of what we do would not actually take place were it not for the support of our PTO. There's a belief out there that when students get to middle school, parental involvement is not wanted or needed. That is not true! Parents and guardians, we need you! We need your help with setting up and tearing down for events and activities. We need your help running events and activities. We need your help with staff appreciation. We need your help with fundraisers. We need you! If you are willing and able help, we will take it. Every little bit counts!

CLICK HERE to view/download/print the Etiwanda School District Volunteer Handbook. Page 3 & 4 must be completed and turned in to the school office in order to volunteer at Heritage Intermediate School.

Additionally the Heritage Intermediate PTO will need their Volunteer Form completed, as well. CLICK HERE to view/download/print the PTO Volunteer Form.

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